Rachel Jones


Contact Info

Email: Rachel_Jones@nicklesgroup.com

Phone: 202.742.6983

Rachel Jones Hensler is a Partner at The Nickles Group and a leading consultant on tax and business issues. Working with clients large and small, her knowledge of the issues, policymakers and staff goes beyond process and strategy allowing her to give proactive, tactical advice.

Before joining The Nickles Group, Rachel led and coordinated legislative initiatives with the White House, Senate leaders and Congressional staff ranging from tax, pension and other key economic issues in her role as Director of Tax Policy for the Senate Budget Committee. Rachel also worked for Senators Fred Thompson (R-Tenn.) and Dave Durenberger (R-Minn.) and spent seven years in D.C. law firms doing legislative work on behalf of clients.

Rachel is a native of Arlington, VA.

Education: University of Virginia, bachelor’s degree

Practice Areas:

  • Tax

  • Budget and Reconciliation Processes

  • Retirement

  • Energy