Mary Beth Savary Taylor


Contact Info


Phone: 202.742.6994

Cell: 202.302.4734

Mary Beth Savary Taylor is President of The Nickles Group.  She combines more than 20 years of Capitol Hill and private sector experience to provide clients with extensive health policy expertise.  Her in-depth knowledge of health policy issues including Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement, regulatory reform measures and public health issues allows her to successfully inform clients’ legislative strategies.

Prior to joining the firm, Mary Beth was Vice President for Executive Branch Relations at the American Hospital Association working closely with the White House, federal agencies such as the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services and the Department of Health and Human Services, as well as members of congress and senior staff. Earlier in her career Mary Beth worked as Washington Counsel and key congressional liaison for the American Medical Association, Legislative Assistant for Senator Connie Mack (R-Fla.) and later served as General Counsel for the Joint Economic Committee under Mack’s chairmanship.

Education: University of Florida, bachelor’s degree and juris doctorate

Practice Areas:


  • FDA

  • Hospice & Palliative Care

  • Hospital and Pharmaceutical Pricing

  • Insurance

  • Laboratory Testing

  • Medical Devices

  • NIH

  • New Therapies: CAR-T

  • Prescription and Biologic Drugs